Other Ways to Help

If volunteering onsite or assisting with special events isn’t a good match for you, here are other ways you can help support Pueblo Child Advocacy Center’s mission.
Donate Items On Our Wish List
We accept donations of specific items to include in the Care Bags we provide for the children we serve, as well as supplies to keep our center well stocked. Check out our wish list!

Host A “Make A Blanket” Day
Gather a group of your friends and make some no-sew fleece blankets for the CAC! Blankets are a big part of our Comfort where every child and sibling that visits the CAC leaves with their very own blanket.

Host a CAC Lunch And Learn
Gather your colleagues and put on a “lunch and learn” event to raise awareness about PCAC within your organization or among your friends. With enough planning PCAC can have a child abuse expert present. Give us a call at 719-583-6332 to get something scheduled.

Host A Supply Drive
Download our toolkit to help you host a supply drive for the CAC.

Host A “Dress Down For The CAC” Day At Your Workplace
Order our "It's a beautiful day to protect kids" T-shirt and encourage your team to wear them on the same day. Take a picture and tag us on social media.

Sponsor A CAC Event
Check out our current sponsorship opportunities. See what all we have going on and let us know how you would like to sponsor.